TGRADAR Software Revision Schedule

Dr C.L. Waters
Department of Physics University Drive, Callaghan. 2308
Phone : 61 249 215421
Fax: 61 249 216907

Released : Jan 17, 2000
Modified :
(a) Jan 25, 2000
* Added Summary Plot button
* Changed COORDIN routines to read from HARDWARE.DAT

(b) Feb 1, 2000
* Altered NEWCOLOR.PRO to fix b/w postscript bug
* Changed power option to autoselect _l or _s with min stnd_dev

(c) Feb 18, 2000

Major changes - V2.0

* Fixed data summary plot display to
- have white background
- Changed velocity colour scales and increased plot colour resolution to 253
* AACGM beam sweep plot West to East fixed and added E and W labels
* Set overwrite windows as default
* Fixed bug that runs out of windows in beam sweep animation
* Added Macquarie Island, Casey, South Dip Pole to Geographic beam sweep plot
* Added latitude and longitude labels to geographic beam sweep plot
* changed for beam sweep plots to ensure beam0/15 boundaries
* changed time output here to show actual time off FIT data file
* Added NEXT and PREVIOUS in Beam sweep option
* Put Animation option under beam sweep option
* Altered order of File select and Summary plot buttons in main menu
* Added code to update TInc on calls to APLREAD (for Special Time Data)
* Clarified Select Scatter options

(d) March 27, 2000
* changed /sdplot/ to handle year 2000 files
* changed /sdplot/ to take larger summary files

(e) April 12, 2000
* Allowed for CANCEL in file selection
* Changed PS output filename to be Y2K compliant
* changes to handle discretionary data; different data sample rates and
weird beam sequences. Added SCAN MODE indicator to status bar
# New Routines:
# Routines modified were:
sdmenu, /sdread/aplread, /sdread/aplmread, /sdread/openfile, /sdread/read_inx, /common/filecom

(f) June 16, 2000
* Corrected TIGER AACGM plots so they are directly linked to the geographic coords and plot beam 0 (WEST) -> beam 15 (EAST)
# routine modified:

(g) June 30, 2000
* Added Halley geographic and geomagnetic plots
* Allowed beam sweep for special mode data, user selects start time and time interval. Starting at StartTime, beams are plotted on a first encountered basis. New variable, BSTInt, added to BEAMCOM.PRO

(h) July 14, 2000
* Changed /sdread/ to detect parms386.scan variable. Therefore beam sweep plots are now generated by:
(a) Looking for parms386.scan=1
(b) Plotting beams until the next parms386.scan is found
(c) The requested time is used as a guide. The program finds the closest parms386.scan=1 to the requested time
(d) Deleted June 30 fix involving BSTInt
(e) Set TInc=100 sec for Special Mode Data
* Routines changed: /common/,; /sdread/,,,,

(i) October 16, 2000
* Added geographic and geomagnetic beam sweep maps for Syowa radars
Routines changed: /sdplot/,
Routines added : /sdplot/

(j) November 26, 2000
* added AACGM (Lat,Lon) and unit vectors to the TR output file.
Routines changed: /sdprint/

(k) December 1, 2000
* Allowed for time:range data to go onto the next day. The output file was blank for data that straddled a day boundary
Routine fixed: /sdprint/

(l) March 26, 2001
* Changed the main menu to blank out selections when plotting summary data
* Set up a search hierachy for summary data beams: beam 5, 10, 7
* Fixed 'modal' error in animation routine
Routines changed: sdmenu, bmswp, /sdplot/smrlook

(m) August 6, 2001
* Added geographic coord maps for Kerguelen and Alaska CRL radars
Routines changed: sdmenu, tiger, /coordin/hardware.dat, /coordin/mcoords /coordin/gcoords, /sdplot/plotmapgn
Routines added : /sdplot/kergmap, /sdplot/alascrlmap

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